Tuesday 31 March 2009

B.E.D.A starts tomorrow!

Are you excited? I am!

Anyway, 'till then, here's a little something to keep you going:

Allegri's Miserere
: (I always forget how many e's and r's!). I woke up to hear this piece echoing through my house this morning. It's chilling, and beautiful, and everything a-cappella music should be (plus I totally sang the uber high bit back when I was still a treble)!

Monty Halls' Great Escape
: Apart from the appalling bit of bad grammar in the title ("s'" should only be used with plurals, not with names.. It should be "Halls's"), this is a great show! It's about a very manly bloke, who went up to Scotland to start crofting, and how he fares setting up a self-sufficient life. It's a bit like 'The Good Life' meets 'Ray Mears', and it's fabby. Plus his dog is lovely.

I will see you tomorrow, fair lovelies!


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