Friday, 10 April 2009

BEDA the Tenth: Watching Nerimon Can Seriously Ruin Your Day

Well today was rubbish!

I sleep with my laptop next to my bed, so when I wake, I open it up, switch my MSN status to Available and check my Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and see what's on iPlayer. Today when I did this, I was feeling cheerful, and optomistic about my day. Then I watched Alex Day's most recent VEDA video, and I was driven insane with jealously. He had a great breakfast, great programmes to watch, and then he was off to see his best friend. I struggle daily to find anything edible in this house, there's generally fuck all to watch, and I never have money to go anywhere.

I guess this is my fault, and coincides nicely to something important that I need to update some of my friends on, but still. It makes for a sucky day.

Anyways, then Amy had virus problems, Twitter went down, and now MSN is being a twat too. I'd like to (again) request anyone that I regularly speak to over MSN (or anyone that just fancies a chat) to get Skype and add me (Flangel66). :]

Just a short post today, I've got to go back to wrestling with Microsoft.

You be well.


EDIT: There is now also an email address to direct your questions too, plus anything else you'd want to email me about regarding this blog. It is:

Message me, bitches!

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