Sunday, 5 April 2009

BEDA the Fifth: Lazy Sunday

Ah, Sundays. They're ne'er a very fun day.

So that opening line was just a throw away gambit for a rhyme. But it's also true. I like my Saturdays wild and my Sundays lazy and proverbially easy. And today was beautifully so (I always have to think of Bruce Almighty when I spell 'beautiful').

I watched Top Gear on iPlayer and read crappy teenage books (full reviews later this week), and went for a long walk with my Mom. It was nice, and although we argued, we're both now on the same page as far as my future is concerned. :]

Anyways, now I'm talking to 'Stranger' on Omegle (see Nerimon's latest #BEDA vlog if you don't know what it is), and I'm off for a shower, some Who, some Ross, a sleep, and then some cuddles.

Sleep well and have a nice Monday!


EDIT: Sorry this update is so 'Today was Sunday. I was lazy. It was nice.'. I'm just tired (ironically) and I need a shower and a drink, and plus I'm rapidly running out of time to post this. :]

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