Friday, 6 February 2009

Snowless and Sick

But up and at 'em!

So it's been too long since I've updated this, and I apologise. In my (poor) defence, though, a lot has been happening.
The main reason is that I've been offered an interview for Goldsmiths, which is made of Yay!. However, they do want a copy of my creative work, which has meant that I've had to fast forward three pieces I was planning for the album. I've dug out 'Wings of Bacchus', which some of you may know, and I'm re-vamping it with a new name and a violin solo. The other two pieces are in the works, and I've got some promising noises laid down on Audacity. It's great to finally have the motivation, and a reason to write these songs, although it does mean I'm pretty busy atm.

I've also got myself a job! The Winterbourne Hospital (where my Mom works as a nurse) have finally gotten their act together, and have offered me a job as a Ward Waiter (serving food to the patients), which I took, and I am now waiting (again!) for training. I've applied for another job, as a sales assistant for Pampurred Pets, so fingers crossed! All this jobbing means I should hopefully be coming into a bit of money, which is good because...

Patrick Wolf announced tour dates!! So muchos yay! In a stroke of genius on his part, the London date (in a gay club.. Where else, Patrick?!) is the day after my Goldsmiths interview. So I've gotten tickets, and I'm going to see it with the girl and my good friend Jess. So I'm going up on the train on the 10th, interview on the 11th, meeting Amy at the train station on the 12th, then going to queue nice and early for his Wolfy goodness!

So what else? 'Snow!' I hear you shout. Well unfortunately, although I have witnessed many a flurry, driven past hundreds of snowdrifts on the way to my first piano lesson (watch my teacher get his boogie on here), and although my GMail background says I should be bringing snow home on the bus, I've not had the chance to play in any. I overslept the one time it was thick enough here in Moreton, and since then we've just had mush. It's looking promising today though, maybe by the time I've finished this. The other reason I couldn't have gone and played even if I'd had snow was that I've been a bit ill again recently. Amy calls it Man-Flu, but it's really just a bad cold. I've stocked up on tissues, and I'm watching all the various NerdFighter projects to keep me cheerey.

So that's pretty much it, to be honest. I'm using Twitter like mad again, so go follow me on there if you're not already. I'm planning a little something for tomorrow, I'll leave a little teaser link for you at the bottom.

Hope you're all well, and enjoying any snow you may have.


Coming soon..

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