Monday, 19 May 2008

New posts, podcasts, and news!

Hey all!

I'm back - and in the thick of A2 exams! Bad times! Wrote a letter of complaint that I thought might interest y'all, so I put it up on here. Sorry it's taken so long to put anything up, but I've only just got my laptop back up.

So as you can see from my revised profile, I've got my uni choices sorted out... as well as my plans for the next year! Hopefully (grades dependent) I'm going to Kingston to read Music. I can do a lot of popular music on this course, but I can also take conducting in my final year, which is something I've always wanted to do. The more observant of you out there will have noticed that this week Kingston was in the news, having fixed their rankings. Apparently they told students "If you think something's a four... give it a five!". I might have to get some T-Shirts made up for Fresher's Week with that in mind!

Before that though, we have the European tour... Just me on my onesome, and whoever will come along and visit. You're all more than welcome! I'll be staying in France, probably around gay Paris from November until Christmas, then returning to see the folks, then off heading eastward, until I re-enter the UK, in the north, from Norway. It should be fun... I've got an EP's worth of material ready, just need a bit more.

In other news - Giles passes his Grade 8 singing with Distinction! Whoop whoop! After only three weeks of training, so I'm a bit chuffed. The 'rents are getting me a baritone ukulele as a well done present, and I've already ordered the accordion for my birthday. Jack of all trades I might well be, but I'll at least look cool!!
I should also, hopefully, be including podcasts within the foreseeable future. It will include something a bit like this, some clips of any performances I've done, and maybe a song if you're lucky. Check them out when I get them up!

I do often wonder who looks at this. I think it's unlikely I have any dedicated followers, but if there is anyone out there clinging to my every word, please comment me, or message me to let me know. Indeed, even if you're just passing by, please feel free to comment, to let me know what you think of it. Would be nice to know who I'm talking to!!

Hope you're all ok.

Wish me luck with the A-Levels...

Peace Out


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